Inside Edge
The Truths and Myths About Sports Drinks
The Truths & Myths About Sports Drinks 06.07.19 Nik Tokovic 4 Minute Read Is Your Sports Drink Junk Food? In the US alone, sports drink sales are in excess of $5 billion annually. With this kind of money changing hands, many of the top producers have only one thing in mind: how to sell more. A multi-million dollar marketing machine produces a lot of spin to...
Magnesium For Peak Performance
Magnesium For Peak Performance 06.07.19 Nik Tokovic 8 Minute Read Magnesium is involved in numerous biological processes, especially during periods of physically demanding activities, such as sport, or even hard work in the heat. Important roles for Magnesium include the metabolic activity which occurs in energy production, electrolyte balance and oxygen uptake. With these functions being crucial to the elevated functioning during exercise, Magnesium and sport...
Minerals Are The Foundation To Health
Minerals Are The Foundation To Health 06.07.19 Nik Tokovic 8 Minute Read A healthy diet rich in nutrients is the centrepiece of a vibrant, long and disease free life. A good diet keeps your body parts functioning well, maintains harmonious system balance, keeps thinking and memory sharp (the body well nourished has greater mental acuity), provides a high level of energy, staves off disease, and contributes...
What Is Hard Water?
What Is Hard Water & Why Is It Good For You 23.07.19 Nik Tokovic 2 Minute Read Many different studies have been carried out on the benefits of a diet that is rich in dietary Magnesium. Of particular interest are several large population studies carried out on "hard" water areas (hard water is water that has higher levels of naturally occurring calcium & Magnesium). These studies...