Thanks for choosing Edge, let's get you up to speed.

You did it.

Congratulations, you've taken a big step towards a healthier, better hydrated you. We're happy to have you onboard and there's a lot to fill you in on. For now, while we ship your order out, here are some tips to help you get the most out of Edge.

Things to know.

How To Use Edge

Everyone has different hydration needs so feel free to experiment with how you use Edge. The tips below are based on the feedback we hear most often.

How Often

Edge works best when consumed daily. Depending on how much you exercise and sweat we recommend 1 to 2 sachets a day. If you're exercising over 3 hours or sweating a lot, have 2 that day.

When To Use

We recommend a sachet first thing in the morning to help with overnight dehydration and start your day on the right foot. For endurance athletes, pre-loading in the days prior and a sachet 2 hours before your event is recommended. Click here to chat to us for personalised tips.

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Our Short Story

What We Do

We turn ocean water into the world's most complete electrolyte mix. Edge is a world first in hydration and something we're incredibly proud of. A fun fact, it took us over a decade to learn how to harness the ocean's minerals.

Why We Do It

Firstly, we love being healthy and feeling good. Hydration is an important piece of this puzzle as around 75% of our body is water. Plus, it's estimated that 8/10 people walk around in a constant state of dehydration - not good at all.

We chose ocean water because it contains all the 70+ essential minerals our body needs to thrive.. These minerals play an important role in everything going on inside our bodies. Without them we can't physically perform at our best.

Secondly, generic 'sports drink' makers have been reaping the rewards from their inferior creations for far too long. It's time we showed them what real, healthy and balanced hydration is.


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